Saturday, November 9, 2013

Giving Thanks

     This month is November, the historic time of giving thanks and seeing your friends post once a day something they're thankful for. Well, since I spent a whole year updating everyone on my activities while in Korea, I can't really talk too much $hit about that, now can I? Besides, that just comes with an awful lot of pressure. Seriously. What if I end up starting big, with the deep, emotionally healthy things to be thankful for- my son, my husband, our health, roof over our heads, food on the table, yada yada yada. Then what? Then I'm left with things like, today I'm thankful for my flat iron, for without it, I could not achieve the sleek, smooth hairstyle I feel has become my trademark. And while some out there would chuckle and agree, there's that ONE person out there who would judge me for being shallow and callous and tell me that there are people out there who wish they had the money for luxuries like flat irons, heat protection spray, combs, and food. I try not to only focus on the good things in life and what I'm grateful for only during the month of November. I think we should be cognizant of these things all year round. I know, it's easy to take for granted the things we have. We just always assume we will always have a home, food, health and happiness and love. I think that we've also gotten too judgemental of others, and truthfully, I blame that on the internet and social media. 
     But anyway, while I challenge everyone to count their blessings all year round, and not just at Thanksgiving, I have decided to give in to social media pressure and list the things I'm grateful for. But it won't be lovey dovey, deep, meaningful, and socially acceptable. No no. Cause, really, who isn't thankful for their health? Who isn't appreciative of a roof over their head and food on the table? Is there anyone out there saying, "Damn you house, with your walls and roof, and food, and heat in the cold and A/C in the heat! The hell with you, body of mine, with your healthiness!" So, in the spirit of the month of November, and the self-imposed pressure of social media, here is my list of 30 things I'm thankful for, in no particular order-

1.  The "eff word". Do I really need to say more? It's the perfect word to express exactly how you feel when you need it. And it can be used in just about every context. It can be a noun, a verb, and adjective, an adverb. It can be used alone or strung together with other colorful words to truly give one that much added "oomph" when expressing feelings.

2.  Diet Coke. I don't give a damn if new studies show it will give me heart disease and diabetes. I drink water, too. In fact, most of the time, I won't have one until I have water. So diet Coke is on here,because it has caffeine, no calories, and it's great for when I just don't want to drink water.

3.  Scotch. As in Dewar's and soda. It makes me feel warm inside, and a bit grown up since I can say, "I'll have a Dewar's and soda, please". 

4.  Not eating clean. I can hear some of you now, "Whaaaaat? How is that possible? Don't you realize all of the crap in unclean food?! Shame on you!". Pffft. Whatever. For those of you who do it, good on ya. And congrats. I, on the other hand, prefer to eat exactly what I want. Just in moderation. So, if I want a damn piece of chocolate cake, with ooey, gooey frosting, then dammit, I will. I will not feel guilty about it. I will not starve myself the next day as a result of it (hell, I may just have a piece the next day too!). I will not deprive myself. I can be healthy and happy with how I look without depriving myself of the yummy, delicious "unclean" foods that I don't avoid.

5.  Sponge Bob Square Pants and Elmo. Because ya know what? They give me some momma time when my son is up and awake. I'm pretty sure he isn't going to grow up trying to smell the color 9 by me letting him watch Elmo, or Team Oomi Zoomi. So I am grateful to them and all of their friends who at times, entertain and teach my son.

6.  That my son can entertain himself. Yes, I play with him. But he can also entertain himself, and that is also a good skill for a child to posses. It also lets momma get housework done. 

7.  My loud, in your face, get the f$&k outta my way car. I like my cars loud. If given a choice between loud or fast, yes, it would be tough, but I would chose loud. Because dammit, you're gonna know when I pass you for driving under the damn speed limit. And you're gonna know when I'm around. 

8.  My flat iron, for giving me the smooth, sleek look that I like and has become my trademark hairstyle.

9. Victoria Beckham, for having the hairstyle that I now not only covet, but have. 

10. The month of November and December. Being in the military, we not only get federal holidays off, we also get training holidays in conjunction with the federal ones. So we have a 4 day work week, Mon-Thurs, leading up to the 4 day weekend for Veteran's Day. Then a 4 day work week upon our return (Tues-Fri). Then 3 days of work, 4 days off for Thanksgiving. Then the 2 weeks of Christmas and New Year's, we work half days, with 2 days off for Christmas and New Year's each.  Therefore, there's not a lot of working done, and I love it...Well, it's also a curse because, well, there's not a lot of work being done. 

11.  New magazines. I love new magazine day at the store. All of the latest issues of magazines. Love, love, love it! I find myself wanting to buy every single new issue of them all, even the ones I don't read, or even care to, like "Diabetic Living" (although given my love for diet Coke, I will apparently need to buy this one soon!) and, "Runner's World".

12.  My Bebe Jeans and my 2 pairs of Honey Booty Jeans (yes, that's the real name). Now my Honey Booty jeans may be too long, but that's okay. These jeans look fantastic on me (if I do say so myself!). And they force me to do what I always wanted to do-wear high heels more, cause flats just won't do with them! When I bought the Bebe jeans, they were $50. I felt okay about paying that much for them. The Honey Booty ones, were on sale, $75 instead of $99 (and that was the outlet price. They're normally $150). And I bought 2 pairs. So, I spent $200 on 3 pairs of jeans that I love. Now I just need to get the Honey Booty ones hemmed just a wee bit...

13.  The color red. Cause it's loud, in your face, says the "eff word" and refuses to be ignored. Kinda like it any wonder it's my favorite color?

14.  Zumba; it's fun and I enjoy it. In my mind, I look like Shakira when I do Zumba, even though I'm pretty sure I look more like Raj from "What's Happenin'"

15.  Music.  I love music. I love singing along to my favorite songs. Although the jury's still out on if that includes Katy Perry. She's kind of annoying and I often want to rip my ears off and throw them out the window when her songs come on. Rhianna, too. 

16.  The smell of pine. It instantly puts me in a warm, cozy frame of mind, and makes me smile.

17.  Brazilian waxes. Yes, that's correct. Cause I consider it a feat worthy of a party when I shave my legs. And it hurts when you cut yourself shaving there. And it's terrible when it grows back in. And razor burn is not sexy. So I pay someone one to spread hot wax on my lady bits and then rip it off. I am also sober when this happens. And I don't have to worry about razor burn, cuts, or itchies. 

18.  Mootopia Lactose Free Milk from HEB. Cause it tastes just like milk, and it's not thin like skim milk. And my tummy thanks me for it.

19. Chocolate chip cookies. Need I say more?

20.  Making lists. This is the only way I can function at work- I make lists of things I need and want to do. Then I have the joy of crossing of each item as I do it! 

21.  Crossing off things on lists. It gives me such a great feeling of accomplishment. 

22.  Mine and Tony's feet. Weird, I know. But we both have decent looking feet. I like to keep mine looking pretty, and sandal ready with my pedicures. I have decent arches and they're little. Tony's feet have decent arches-not flat, not too high to look weird, and they aren't bad to see in his never-ending wear of flip flops. I have issues with feet. So in addition to not really wanting to see them (which means I'm not too thrilled when friends post pictures of their pedicures!), I really have issues with ugly feet. Combatives and UFC just upsets me. They have barefeet, they get dirty, and periodically touch each other with their feet. Blech. So I'm thankful Tony and I have decent looking feet, and that I'm okay if he touches me with his. Anyone else, though, and I'm very distressed. 

23.  Chicken nuggets. Because when my son just doesn't want to eat anything else I put in front of him, I know I can always turn to the old stand by, and he will eat those and make his momma happy. 

24.  Crayons and coloring books, for when you want to feel like a kid again. 

25.  Books, to get lost in and to open yourself up to magical, new worlds. To inspire you daydream and get lost in your thoughts.

26  Being able to raise my right eyebrow at will.

27. Being able to just look at a person, with no expression on my face and do nothing but blink.

28. Being able to drive a manual transmission. Cause it's just cool, especially in my loud as hell GTO . Except in stop and go traffic, with a racing clutch. Then it's just leg numbingly painful and a bit of an annoyance. 

29.  Johnson's Baby Bedtime Bath products. The smell so good, and will always remind me of my son. 

30.  My husband, my son, my family, my friends. Ours and their health. The roof over our heads, the food on the table, and the heat in the cold and the A/C in the heat. For having what we need, and being able to get the things we want.  For having the knowledge that we are lucky and grateful for all of the things we're fortunate to have, either through hard work, or in some case, just plain ole luck. 

And that's all she wrote, folks...