Wednesday, August 28, 2013

All I Have to Say Is...

Sometimes, I really despise the readily available means to publish our every thought, wish, desire, and opinion. Sometimes, the conspiracy theorists just come across as so ignorant, which has taken on a pejorative term, when really, all it means is "lacking in knowledge". So despite periodically despising our ability to post every thought, idea, feeling and emotion, I have something to say. And there will be some who will get pissed. And ya know what? They'll be alright. And if they want to unfriend me, that's quite alright. But I suggest that anyone who wants to comment on what I'm about to say, better be prepared to do so in a cogent and coherent manner.

Nidal Hasan was sentenced to the death penalty. Now that this is done, I hope all of those affected by his actions and beliefs can move on and get the closure they need and deserve. For those who will decide that there is or will be a conspiracy theory behind the President not "allowing" him to be put to death (which of course clearly shows he must therefore be Muslim and not a US citizen), I'd like to point out that all military death row inmates' deaths must be approved by the President-Republican, Democrat, Green, Independent, Libertarian, Whig, Federalist, whatever their party preference and leanings are. The military has not put anyone to death since 1961, and there are 5 others on military death row. There is an automatic appeal for a death row sentence, so no, this piece of garbage and waste of oxygen will not be put to death any time soon, despite being in Texas (God Bless it...).  Not because of the President, or Congress, or liberal pot smoking, tree hugging hippies. Not because of his religious beliefs, not because there are some who object to saying the Pledge of Allegiance in schools, not because of separation of church and state. Not because of differences in interpreting the 2nd Amendment, not because gays can openly serve in the military. Not because Miley Cyrus is trashy, not because Lindsey Lohan can't seem to stay sober. But because of the way the military justice system works. 

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