Thursday, April 18, 2013

Not in My Right Mind...Of Course Not!

110 squats...done. Yay me! Now, perhaps I'm not in my right mind, well, aside from the usual moments, but would someone please explain the point in all of the videos of horrific events happening, in real time? Such as the explosion in West, TX as it happened. Or the constant repeat and reposting of the Boston Marathon bombs. Why? What purpose does reliving those events, repeatedly, serve? Is it because we're all a bit morbid and want to see what that looks like? Really, why would we want to continually view images of people who have been mortally injured, or lost limbs? Or children? And do we really need to hear 911 calls? Seriously?? Why do I need to hear what someone is going through who has to call 911? The same goes for interviewing people who've been injured in an incident of some sort, or lost a family member/friend? Can't we let people grieve in private, if that's how they chose to grieve? I just can't help but wonder maybe we're becoming TOO technologically advanced for our own good. Maybe the advent of instant knowledge and sharing isn't necessarily a good thing. Are we becoming desensitized? Or are we doing it in some odd way of reassuring ourselves that someone else has it worse? Do we really need to damn near fully experience what the man on ground has experienced in order to grieve the loss of humanity, innocence, life?  Or is it so that we never lose our own ability to grieve and be thankful?

This is what happens when I oversleep, miss running for the morning, and am on Facebook.  And when I finish 110 squats and am amped up on coffee and Shakeology. And anyone who thinks my ponderings and musings are directed at you, no no. They're not.  It's not directed at anyone.  Peace out dearies...

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